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Don’t Rely on Luck This St. Patrick’s Day:

AAA, ODOT Urge Partygoers to Find a Safe & Sober Ride Home

Dont Drink and Drive anti DUI DWI Tipsy Tow



This Saturday’s St. Patrick’s day will be a time of celebration for many; but with some spending hours consuming alcohol, there is a danger for the holiday to turn deadly.  While AAA East Central and the Ohio Department of Transportation want everyone to have fun, it is important to do so with safety in mind.  Planning ahead to avoid operating a vehicle while impaired (OVI) can keep you and others around you safe.

“Not only can OVI result in devastating crashes, but a conviction can weigh heavily on your pocketbook,” says Theresa Podguski, AAA East Central Director of Legislative Affairs. “Alcohol and driving should never mix, and simple steps taken before a celebration can go a long way towards keeping you and everyone around you safe.”   

So far this year, there have been 1,522 alcohol-related crashes resulting in 26 deaths in Ohio.

“Every alcohol-related crash is preventable. A good decision before heading out to celebrate can keep you from making a bad decision at the end of the night. Designate a sober driver, use a taxi, ride-share, or public transit to get home,” said Ohio Department of Transportation Director Jerry Wray.

ODOT will use more than 130 digital freeway message boards to display the message:


Tips for avoiding OVI:

  • Make transportation arrangements before you head out for the night.  Some options include;
    • Designate a driver.
    • Take a cab, or a ride share. 
    • Utilize local public transit.
  • Rent a hotel room or stay overnight where you are.
  • If hosting a party, offer non-alcoholic drinks to designated drivers.  If possible, provide overnight accommodations to guests who’ve been drinking.
  • Take the car keys away from friends and relatives who have had too much to drink.
  • Commit to never driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • If you suspect a driver is under the influence, stay as far behind their vehicle as possible and as soon as it’s safe to do so, pull over and call 911.
  • Since you can’t control the actions of other drivers on the road, the best protection is to buckle up every time you get into a vehicle.

AAA East Central is a not-for-profit association with 80 local offices in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia serving 2.7 million members.  News releases are available at  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

For More Information, Contact:
Jim Garrity, Public & Community Relations Manager
Desk: 412-365-7274 / Cell: 412-905-9021 / email:


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AAA East Central is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in Kentucky, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.